Welcome to Alex Pham's (thedark1337's) Website

About Me

My name is Alex Pham. I am better known on many websites as thedark1337. I currently am fluent in coding languages such as PHP, JavaScript, Java, NodeJS, Ruby, HTML, CSS, C# and various others.
I speak fluent English, a little bit of French, and Vietnamese.

In the external links dropdown menu are some of the projects I have created or helped with and any social media info. As a hobby I enjoy programming third party scripts for the website plug.dj. I currently run a community called TFL and work on a popular project Plug³ as a hobby.

Currently I am a 30 year old male student attending a university for the next 4 years. I am aiming for a Bachelor of Science, or Master of Science in the field of Computer Science. I would love for great internships with the most well known companies such as Microsoft, Amazon, or Google.


May 2020 Bachelor of Science Degree Computer Science. Richardson, Texas

May 2014 Associate of Applied Science Network Administrator at Richland College. Dallas, Texas

June 2012 North Garland High School


BPA NLC 2012 10th place in US

US Cyber Security Challenge High School Champion

MST Computer Science Endorsement & Award

MST Telecommunications & Graphics Design Endorsement

Contact Info
